The Orc & Goblin Tribes -Arcane Journal Review

The Orc & Goblin Tribes -Arcane Journal Review

Today, our attention is squarely fixed on the fresh units and rules emerging from the Orc & Goblin tribes Arcane Journal. Prepare yourselves as we delve into the contents of the book and offer our perspectives! 

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Army of Infamy - The Nomadic Waaagh!

The inaugural force of notoriety, behold the Nomadic Waaagh! Every aspect is tailored to propel forward with unprecedented speed, evoking an irresistible urge for velocity that may sometimes feel like barely keeping control over the reins.

New Rules

Now, let's dissect these rules. Firstly, the Cunning Hunters ability empowers all goblin wolf riders to acquire the ambusher special rule for a mere 1 point per model. Moreover, goblin characters mounted on giant wolves can also access Cunning Hunters, albeit at a cost of 10 points each.

But hold on, there's more! The wolf riders also gain the Hunting Packs special rule, allowing deployment in Close Order rather than the customary Open Order or Skirmisher formations. Opting for Close Order also grants them the Horde special rule as an added bonus.

Simultaneously, the Orc Boar Boys receive the long-awaited boost they've yearned for. They are now bestowed with the Hit 'Em Fast and Hit 'Em 'Ard special rule. This rule ensures that every unit, including characters mounted on War Boars within your ranks, gains Impact Hits (1) at the boars' strength along with an AP -1. Additionally, for every 1000 points amassed, one unit of Orc Boar Boys can uprade with the Vanguard special rule at a mere cost of one point per model. This combination drastically alters the dynamics for the Orc Boar Boys. The automatic-hit impact hits compensate for their relatively low weapon skill, thus ensuring their attacks connect effectively.

Furthermore, within the Nomadic Waaagh, the On Da Move special rule mandates that every character in the army must be mounted, leaving no room for standing still, as there's no time to spare.

Finally, it's important to acknowledge that the Nomadic Waaagh isn't without its drawbacks. The Black Orc Mobs, for instance, forfeit Da Boyz and Quell Impetuosity special rules, instead acquiring the Solitary Fighters special rule. This alteration poses a significant challenge for competitive play. Managing the troublesome Impetuous special rule, which affects numerous units within an Orc and Goblin army, can indeed be quite vexing. However, a remedy exists in the form of a new enchanted item named Da Thinkin' Orcs 'At, priced at 25 points. This item enhances the bearer's initiative by 1 and remove the Impetuous special rule for both the bearer and any unit accompanying them.

Let's now examine the two latest additions to our ranks: Kiknik Toofsnatcha and the Black Orc Boar Chariot.

Kiknik Toofsnatcha 

Kiknik stands as a character unit, essentially a formidable iteration of a Goblin War boss. Accompanied by his loyal wolf companion, Chompa, who possesses +1 strength and +1 attack compared to a standard giant wolf, Kiknik commands significant prowess in combat. He elevates combat outcomes by one and bestows the Fear special rule upon any wolf rider mob he joins. Armed with The Skull Smasha, a versatile weapon offering two profiles—one with increased strength, AP -1, and armor bane 2, and the other with AP -2, armor bane 2, and multiple wound 2—Kiknik proves to be a formidable force on the battlefield.

Additionally, he possesses two special rules: All Sneaky Like, granting the Ambusher special rule to one unit of Wolf riders at no additional cost, and providing a bonus or penalty of +/-1 to ambush rolls for all ambushing wolf riders. Furthermore, his 'it and Run ability enables a unit of wolf riders under his command to opt for a Fall Back In Good Order following a successful round of combat, rather than pursuing or Follow up.

Black Orc Boar Chariot

Turning our attention to the Black Orc Boar Chariot, priced at 130 points, this formidable asset showcases a 3+ armor save and a leadership boost of +1, while notably discarding the Impetuous special rule present in standard orc boar chariots. Moreover, the black orc crews are bestowed with the Furious Charge special rule. With its array of advantages, the Black Orc Boar Chariot presents a plethora of options for character mounts, promising versatility and effectiveness on the battlefield.

Army Composition

Transitioning to army composition, foot troops are somewhat restricted in variety. Among them are the standard Giants, the recently introduced Bonegrinder giant, and Badlands Ogres, who are open for enlistment. Core units encompass the goblin wolf riders and goblin wolf chariots. Additionally, if an Orc Boss or Black Orc Boss assumes the role of general, Orc Boar Boys or the fresh addition of the Black Orc Chariot can be included as core units. In terms of special choices, a few options awaits, including orc boar boys, orc boar chariots, and Snotling pump wagons. As for the rare slot, selections expand to incorporate the new Black Orc Chariots and, naturally, the esteemed Giants.

My Overall View

In summary, the Nomadic Waaagh! army possesses the swiftness to overwhelm opponents by the second turn. Furthermore, the addition of the formidable Black Orc Chariots significantly enhances its offensive capabilities. The upgraded Orc Boar Boys, with their impact hits, effectively compensate for their mediocre weapon skills, providing a reliable boost to their damage output. While the concept of ambushing wolf riders adds a layer of excitement, it doesn't necessarily alter the game dynamics significantly.

However, the prevalence of impetuousness remains a persistent challenge, with limited avenues to mitigate its effects. Additionally, several units boast lengthy maximum charge ranges, further complicating tactical management. Attempts to counterbalance these drawbacks by incorporating units like black orcs, orc shamans, black orc chariots, and chaff units can constrain tactical flexibility. Moreover, given the mounted nature of the army, maintaining a low model count and bearing substantial per-model costs pose additional hurdles. Accumulating rank bonuses becomes arduous, making success in combat contingent on favorable dice rolls and adept maneuvering to secure advantageous flank charges. Supplementing with strategic employment of magic items such as the War Banner can bolster combat bonus and tilt the odds in one's favor.

Moreover, charging headlong into enemy units may appear enticing but may not always be the wisest course of action. Astute opponents can discern which units to deploy upfront, anticipating and potentially countering the charge effectively. While the Nomadic Waaagh! excels in delivering significant damage upon charging, misjudged attacks can leave them vulnerable in subsequent turns. Here, the utility of giants becomes apparent, their unbreakable nature ensuring enemy units remain engaged, thereby facilitating the setup of decisive combination charges or flanking maneuvers with chariots and cavalry units. Ultimately, success hinges on making astute maneuvers to secure victory.


Army of Infamy - The Troll Horde

The subsequent army featured within the arcane journal is the Troll Horde army. For enthusiasts of resilient monstrous infantry, and for those undaunted by the prospect of endless stupidity tests, this army holds undeniable appeal.

New Rules

Firstly, let's delve into the Enhanced Regeneration rule. This rule permits all models with the Regeneration special rule to reroll any failed regeneration saves resulting from non-magical attacks. The potency of this rule cannot be overstated, particularly considering that a troll-centric army predominantly comprises trolls, all inherently came with the regeneration save. Consequently, this renders the army exceedingly resilient, rendering opponents who lack sufficient magical weaponry to combat the troll horde akin to attempting to breach a fortress with a mere feather duster.

Next, we encounter the Oi! this Way! rule, which grants troll mobs the ability to utilize the leadership of any orc shamans, goblin shamans, or troll hags within their command range. This liberates trolls from the necessity of remaining in close proximity to their general, affording them the freedom to roam with a commendable level of leadership. This proves particularly advantageous when a shaman is embedded within a sizable unit boasting the warband special rule. Oi! this Way! serves as a remedy to the inherent drawback of trolls, namely their susceptibility to stupidity.

Lastly, the Troll Tongue rule extends to all orc and goblin shamans, empowering them to wield the Lore of Troll Magic without the necessity of equipping the 25-point magic item, The Hag's Brew.

Delving straight into the lore of troll magic, this recent addition seamlessly intertwine with the essence of the troll horde, this lore offers a range of potent spells.

Beginning with the signature spell, Big Smartz, this enchantment spell proves to be a cornerstone within the arsenal. It is a Remain-In-Play enchantment spell that cast on a 8+. Notably, this spell empowers units within the caster's command range to reroll failed stupidity tests, a vital augmentation within a troll horde army.

Further exploration into the lore reveals additional compelling spells. Notably, Ravenous Recourse amplifies units afflicted with stupidity within a 12-inch radius of the caster, granting them a substantial boost of +2 to movement. This enhancement allows trolls to maneuver swiftly with a brisk pace of 8.

Additionally, Rapid Regeneration emerges as another noteworthy spell. This spell bestows a friendly unit within a 12-inch radius with a 5-plus regeneration and flammable special rule. This synergizes seamlessly with the Enhanced Regeneration rule, effectively transforming a unit of infantry or a giant into an immovable bastion of defense.

Ogdruz Swampdigga

The troll horde introduces two new units to the orc and goblin tribes, among them, Ogdruz Swampdigga, a remarkably distinctive Orc weirdnob. It uses the lore of Troll Magic or elementalism, Ogdruz offers a fresh dimension to army strategies and compositions. Notably, he extends the inclusion of troll hags into non-troll horde army lists, expanding tactical possibilities.

Armed with the Bogwood Staff, Ogdruz wields a weapon boasting a +2 strength and AP -1. Moreover, with each successful wound inflicted in combat, he benefits from +1 wound. Additionally, his Trollhide Shawl furnishes him with a 6-plus armor save, 5-plus regeneration, and flammable.

Delving into his array of special rules, Troll Calla permits trolls within his command range to utilize his leadership, enhancing cohesion on the battlefield. Protect the Boss affords him the lone character special rule when in proximity to troll mobs, further fortifying his resilience. Notably, he gets a +1 casting roll bonus when situated within 3 inches of a troll mob possessing a unit strength of 6+.

Overall, Ogdruz epitomizes a whimsically entertaining character who injects a wealth of personality into any orc and goblin army. 

Troll Hags

The second novel addition to the troll horde is the Troll Hag, boasting a price tag of 235 points. She comes as a level 1 wizard, with the option to ascend to level 2. She presents a choice between lore of battle magic or the troll magic. Laden with an array of special rules, her presence on the battlefield is nothing short of imposing.

Primarily, the troll hag boasts a 5-plus armor save, 5-plus regeneration, flammable, unbreakable, and large target traits, alongside the signature troll vomit attack and terror. Additionally, her Slimy Shanks special rule imposes a penalty of -1 on enemy units attempting to hit her in combat. Moreover, her Swamp Breath is a breath weapon capable of causing panic upon wounding targets.

The Indiscriminate Hunger special rule embodies her insatiable appetite, compelling enemy units engaged in combat to undertake an Initiative test. Failure results in the loss of a wound with no saves, while the troll hag regains a wound.

Further augmenting her combat repertoire is the Motherly Love special attack. Opting to forego normal attacks, she instead rolls on the Motherly Love table. A roll of 1 or 2 culminates in an embrace, represented by a 5-inch template, wherein affected models take strength 6, AP -2 hits. Rolls of 3 or 4 allow her to target a single model, inflicting D3+1 wounds with no armor or regeneration saves. Meanwhile, a result of 5 or 6 sees her delivering slaps, administering D6+1 strength 6 hits with no armor saves, while imposing a -1 on leadership.

All things considered, the troll hag emerges as a delightful addition to any orc and goblin army, like a giant but endowed with superior staying power due to her saves. Further fortifying her defenses is possible by giving 50 points in magic items, potentially giving her a ward save. In my opinion, she stands as an indispensable asset in any troll horde army.

Army Composition

The Troll Horde is permitted one Orc Warboss or Weirdnob for every 1000 points, supplemented by an unrestricted number of Troll Hags, Orc and Goblin Bosses, and Shamans. Regarding core units, the army allows one troll mob for every 1000 points, with an additional troll mob for each Troll Hag included into the list. Additionally, flexibility exists to integrate Orc mobs, Goblin mobs, Spider Rider mobs, and Wolf Rider mobs. Special choices include more troll units, alongside Goblin Wolf Chariots, Orc Boar Chariots, and Boar Boy mobs. Finally, in the rare choice category, selection is limited to Giants, with the option to recruit Badlands Ogres and the Bonegrinder Giant as mercenaries. 

My Overall View

In summation, the troll horde emerges as a notably straightforward and beginner-friendly army choice, with a primary focus on ensuring their proximity to leadership bubbles for managing stupidity tests, forming a battleline, casting spells like Big Smartz, and advancing to wreak havoc upon the battlefield.

The army list itself is imbued with inherent rules that complement the troll horde's playstyle effectively. The Enhanced Regeneration rule bolsters defensive capabilities, while the Oi! Dis Way! rule aids in mitigating the effects of stupidity.

However, the inherent challenge lies in the army's low model count, which can be exploited by opponents through strategic maneuvering. Vulnerability to flame attacks, killing blows, and spells targeting leadership presents significant hurdles for the troll horde. Consequently, matchups can sometimes devolve into a rock-paper-scissors scenario, wherein victory or defeat hinges on the alignment of these factors.


Moving on, let's delve into the mercenaries, where the arcane journal unveils two reinvigorated units from days of yore.

Badlands Ogres

Firstly, we encounter the Badlands Ogres, priced at a modest 31 points per model. These formidable ogres present an array of upgrade options, including heavy armor, great weapons, iron fists, and additional hand weapons. Embodying the Motley Crew special rule, they offer the flexibility to mix and match various weapons and armor saves within the unit. Combining the traits of ogre bulls and iron guts, the Badlands Ogres epitomize versatility on the battlefield. 

Bonegrinder Giants

Next in line stands the Bonegrinder Giant, with a price tag of 300 points. Resembling a standard giant, this towering entity boasts an impressive stat line, featuring strength 7, 8 wounds, and D6+1 stomp attacks. Bolstered by special rules such as Unbreakable and Terror, the Bonegrinder Giant emerges as a formidable force to contend with.

What truly distinguishes the Bonegrinder Giant is its three attack charts, each tailored for specific unit types. Featuring results capable of inflicting multiple wounds, this giant poses a substantial threat on the battlefield. Whether confronting infantry or behemoths, nothing remains immune to the Bonegrinder Giant's ferocious onslaught. It stands as an undeniable force to be reckoned with.

New Magic Items

Within the pages of this latest arcane journal lies a treasure trove of 18 new magic items for the orc and goblin tribe. Among the standout offerings, a few gems emerge.

Firstly, the esteemed Da Thinkin' Orcs 'At beckons attention, giving the bearer's +1 initiative while absolving him and his unit of the Impetuous rule. Next, Da Spider Banner makes its return, endowing the unit with poisoned attacks, a personal favorite of mine from the 8th edition Warhammer Fantasy. Yet, the true prize among them all lies in the Idol of Gork. Priced at a mere 40 points, this artifact bestows a remarkable +3 inches to casting rolls and rerolling one cast per turn. Its capabilities enable spellcasters to maintain a safe distance beyond the opponent's dispel range while exerting magical dominance with finesses, offering unparalleled advantages on the battlefield.

Final Thought

Concluding our review of the Orc and Goblin Tribes arcane journal, I must express my enthusiasm for both of these new armies of infamy. They provide a very different gameplay experience. Introducing fresh dynamics that diverge from the conventional Orc and Goblin army, they offer players the opportunity to explore innovative playstyles. Remarkably, these armies enable players to eschew traditional powerhouse units such as Night Goblins and Black Orcs while still assembling a formidable and competitive force, this injects a refreshing sense of creativity into army composition. 

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